There are two options to share a Campaign with your social networks. You can post directly onto social sites, or you can connect your account on the social network with your account on our system in order to authorise our system to generate content on your behalf.
To post directly onto social sites:
- Click the drop down arrow icon next to an In Progress, Scheduled or Sent Campaign, and select More.
- Click the Social Media tab.
- In the Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn sub-navigation items, click on the Share on Twitter, Share on Facebook, or Share on LinkedIn buttons.
- You will be taken directly to the social network site where you can share your content.
To connect your account on our system with your account(s) on Twitter, Facebook and/or LinkedIn:
- Click Settings in the upper right of your account, and go to the My Settings tab.
Click the drop down arrow icon next to an In Progress, Scheduled or Sent Campaign, and select More. Click the Social Media tab. In the Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn sub-navigation items, click the Edit text link next to Not Connected. - Under the Social Networks section, click on Twitter Posting, Facebook Posting, and/or LinkedIn Posting.
- Click the Connect to Facebook, Connect to Twitter, and/or Connect to LinkedIn button.
- You will be redirected as necessary to grant access. Follow the steps, and upon completion you will be returned to our system.
- Then to share your content, click the Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn icons that appear immediately after sending a Campaign. Or click the down arrow icon next to an In Progress, Scheduled or Sent Campaign, and select More. Click the Social Media tab. Click the Twitter, Facebook and/or LinkedIn sub-navigation items to share the Campaign.
You can also access a short URL as well as the full Campaign URL (which is the same URL that can be found when you click the drop down arrow and select View. This can be posted anywhere at any time to represent the current version of the Campaign when clicked).
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