By default, the data that is shown in the Responses tab is a result of how the survey was deployed:
- If you deployed the survey using the generic URL or another deployment method and the system was unable to automatically detect a question for email address, "Unknown" will display on the Responses tab.
- If you deployed the survey using the generic URL or another deployment method and the system was able to detect a question for email address, then the email address of the responder will display on the Responses tab.
- If you deployed the survey using Create Link > Survey from within a campaign, then the email address of the responders will display on the Responses tab.
- If those original recipients also forwarded the campaign to additional people who completed survey responses, their responses may also be listed in the Responses tab as also being from the original recipient. This is why there may appear to be several responses all from a single email address.
Note: Regardless of how the survey was deployed, any data that was collected via questions that are included in the survey (including first name, last name, email address etc.) will be stored with the response. To view the details of an individual response, you can click on the row in the list of responses. Or export responses to review and analyze all responses.
To modify the data shown in the Responder column:
- Click Reports in the main navigation menu, and then click the Surveys tab.
- Click the name of the survey to select it.
- Click the Responses tab.
- In the upper right of the table (to the right of the Created column title), click the cog wheel icon, and select Responder Column.
- Select a survey question to display the answers to that question in the responder column, and click the Update button.
or when building the survey:
- Add 3 'Free Text' question types and type First Name, Last Name and Email in them.
- Click 'update' and navigate to 'Actions' under the page 1 tab.
- Click on 'add contact' and navigate to 'Store Answers' and store each of the fields you made with how you want it to be stored. E.g. First Name stored as First Name.
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