At times you might find you are having a bit of trouble getting your test Campaigns to filter through. Email can be a bit of a confusing one, there isn't really any sort of priority with these things it will just send and get received. May not sound the most helpful, but don't worry! More often than not, this is an environmental issue, so you'll just need to try out the tips below:
Allow Listing
Definitely make sure that all our IP's are added to your allow list, this will help your Campaigns get better inbox placement. This will give our emails the green light to go through your mail server and into the inbox. You can refer to our allow list article for more information.
Safe sender usually goes hand in hand with your allow list so please make sure your email client (i.e Outlook) has our domain set as a safe sender!
Email security
Has anything changed security wise at your firm recently? I would recommend to get in touch with your IT team just in case!
Extra testing
Whilst you are waiting to hear back about the allow list and email security, you could try to send yourself a live campaign as sometimes that can push through the tests.
I would also recommend to send a test over to a colleague and compare the time it takes to hit their inbox (if it does hit it) from there we will be able to determine if it's one or more offices or just one desktop.
Another way to check if it's environmental is to send out your test to a personal email/any email outside of your firm's network. If it comes through quickly, you are assured that it is down to your office and you will need to inform your IT team.
If you have been through all of these steps and are still experiencing delays, please get in touch with our support team.
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