Bug fixes
- Contact engagement score and global score would fail to load in Dynamics version 9.0 and above. This fix requires importing a new version of our solution. Please contact our support team to access it.
- Event registration dashboard under campaign would fail to load the Invited, Pending Responses, Accepted and Declined numbers in Dynamics version 9.0 and above. This fix requires importing a new version of our solution. Please contact our support team to access it.
Technical Improvements
- Architectural database improvements implemented
Technical Improvements
- Architectural database improvements implemented
Bug fixes
- Application now block users from saving surveys and questions which multiple choice answer ID has been corrupted
Technical Improvements
- Mapping loading speed has been improved for clients using Dynamics v8.1 and above
- Improvements to memory consumption and logs
Bug Fixes
All the issues described below have been fixed as part of this product release.
- Slow integration when creating activities
Clients using ADFS set with short session expiring time had slow integration for activities creation
- Missing survey responses in CRM
Surveys with large number of views would have responses missed in CRM
- Integration mappings not mapping in IE
Integration mappings would not load in Dynamics v7.0 when using Internet Explorer
Release date: 03/04/2018
Bug Fixes
All the issues described below have been fixed as part of this product release.
- Started survey responses weren’t logged into CRM
- 2 types of survey responses are created by Concep Send: completed and started. Started responses occur mainly in multiple pages surveys in which respondents can leave the survey form before reaching the last page. This issue was preventing started responses from being logged into the CRM.
- Missing survey responses
Surveys with large amount of views would have some of its responses not created into the CRM. This issue was due to a logic in the integration service which was unable to handle view activities in large scale.
- Mail merge doesn't work for test campaigns
Personalisation using mail merge was failing to work when sending test email campaigns.
- Survey responses exporting doesn't handle commas in the question's name
Survey questions containing one or more commas would get split in multiple columns when exported by the survey exporting functionality.
- Survey incompatibly issues when using Dynamics 7.0 with Internet Explorer 10+
The survey mapping functionality wasn’t working in Dynamics 7.0 when accessing using Internet Explorer version 10 or above.
To have this fix applied you will be required to import a new version of our solution. Please contact our support team for more information.
Release date: 24/10/2017
Bug Fixes
All the issues described below have been fixed as part of this product release.
- Personalisation doesn't work when sending to marketing lists with a Send account which has a field mapping assigned to it
Personalisation using mail merge wasn’t work when sending to marketing list with Send account that had a custom field mapping for email campaigns.
To have this fix applied you will be required to import a new version of our solution. Please contact our support team for more information.
Release date: 30/08/2017
Bug Fixes
All the issues described below have been fixed as part of this product release.
- Survey responses not being exported in Dynamics version 6.0 and 6.1
The new response exporting functionality was failing to export responses for Dynamics CRM version 6.0 and 6.1.
- Integration service would fail to connect to Dynamics online hosted in the United Kingdom
The integration service was unable to connect to Microsoft Dynamics online deployments hosted in Azure’s United Kingdom datacentre. It was due a variable in the URL string that couldn’t be resolved that is now fixed and compatible with all existing and future hosting.
To have this fix applied you will be required to import a new version of our solution. Please contact our support team for more information.
Release date: 11/07/2017
- Email campaigns now owned by the sending user
To make auditing your campaigns easier, we have made it simpler to see who sent out each email campaign. Campaigns are now owned by the sending user, so you can search through your campaigns to see which Dynamics user sent it.
Note: This information will only be available for email campaigns sent after the upgrade.
- View marketing list used for each email campaign
You can now see which marketing list has been used for each email campaign, as well as which email campaigns a marketing list has been sent.
Note: This information will only be available for email campaigns sent after the upgrade.
For steps on how to find which marketing list was used for each email campaign, click here.
For steps on how to find which email campaigns a marketing list has been sent, click here.
Release date: 21/06/2017
- You can now see all Concep data direct from Outlook in the Microsoft Dynamics app for Outlook. This feature will enable client-facing teams to see marketing activities without having to log into Microsoft Dynamics.
- Still don't have Dynamics app for Outlook? Reach out your IT team or Microsoft partner and get it installed (here is the installation guide).
Contact Information in the Event Registration Views
- We have listened to your requests and you can now have any contact information surfaced in the Campaign Response views. We have also improved our out-of-the-box views (All Invitees, Accepted, Declined, Pending Responses) and the Campaign Response Associated view by adding the contact company and owner columns to it.
- This is a first version of this functionality and the contact’ company and owner information will only be visible once an invitee submits their response to the survey. We will continue to develop this functionality as we get more of your feedback.
Important: This functionality will work for any other scenario where you link a survey to a campaign to create campaign responses.
Survey Copying
- We have enhanced the survey copying functionality so that when you copy a survey, any mappings in the original survey are now carried across to the new version.
New Opt-Out Levels
- We have added new levels of opt-out which will allow you to differentiate between a content specific unsubscription from an all communications opt-out. These new levels are logged into your CRM as email campaign interactions and can be found within email campaign activities, sent email campaigns and in the Analytics area.
As part of this improvement:
- We have changed the out-of-the-box workflow so that it is now only triggered when a contact unsubscribes at client level.
- We have created a new chart in the email campaign report to display the email campaign opt-out breakdown per level.
Click here and learn how to create Dynamics workflow to automatically update your contact subscriptions off the back of account opt-outs
Don't know how accounts structure work? Contact your Account Manager to learn more.
Personalisation Support for Company and Owner Fields
- You can now use Dynamics standard company and owner field to personalise your email campaigns and pre-populate surveys.
Click here to learn how to create mappings to use data from your CRM for personalisation.
Dynamics Standard Company Field Support for Surveys
- You can now map Dynamics standard company field campaigns to survey questions. Some important information you should know about this feature:
- When creating or updating contacts our application will look for exact matches of the company/account name submitted by the respondent. Failing to find the exact match it will create a new company/account using the name provided by the respondent.
- The application will always get the most recent updated company/account when it finds more than one record matching the name submitted.
Multi-language Compatibility
- Our application was initially developed to support firms using English as their primary language in Dynamics. With global firms starting using Concep Send for Dynamics we have identified the need to make it compatible with different languages. We have selected the top 10 most spoken languages in the world: English, French, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, German, Italian, and Arabic.
- This improvement ensures that the navigation menu supports the languages above and does not translate the application to these languages.
Search Event Registration by Name
- We have changed how our application creates and updates Campaign Responses to allow users to search their event guests by name. This means you can go into a specific event, input the contact’s last name and pull up their specific campaign response rather than having to search the full list.
Contact Event Registration Grid Update
- We have changed how the event registration grid in the contact dashboard gets populated. We are now able to source data direct from your event registration which makes the data in this grid more precise.
- This change will hide from the event registration grid any event registration created prior to this version.
To get the data populated back into this grid you can:
- Run a workflow to update all your campaign responses (click here to learn how to build this workflow)
- Contact our implementation team or account manager to discuss the possibility of backdating your data (they will assess with you the best approach for your company's case)
Bug Fixes
Field Mapping Not Working with Custom Fields
- The email sending application would fail when the mapping used by the account the email campaign was sent from was linked to a mapping with custom fields.
Survey Responses Not Logging into CRM
- Surveys with more than 1000 views could have had some of its responses missed by our application between synchronisations and not logged into the CRM.
Duplicate Contact Creation
- Our application was creating a duplicate contact record if the first instance of the contact was inactive.
- Clients who the searched for inactive was disabled would find new contacts created by the application generating new duplicates. We have redesigned the search so it can handle different scenarios when an email address exists for more than one contact in your CRM. By default, it will search for the most recent updated active contact and in the case that the inactive search is enabled it will then search for the most recent updated contact.
Blank Survey Responses
- Surveys set to not track submission were still getting responses created. It has been fixed so that if the track submission feature is disabled it will only create the submission and questions in the CRM.
Associated Campaign Not Being Linked by Default
- The application was failing to pre-populate the Campaign dropdown when sending an email campaign from within a MSD Campaign.
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