In a previous article, we outlined how to manage events using Concep Send and our InterAction integration.
In some cases, you may want to create an event registration form which accommodate guests registrations. There are a few different ways to do this, depending on your end goal - for example, are you simply noting the addition of a guest per registration, or would you like to have each guest logged as a separate registration.
The first scenario is a bit more simple:
1. Tracking if Respondents will be bringing a guest.
Tracking if a registrant will be bringing a guest only requires the addition of one more survey question.
Add a question for 'Will you be bringing a guest?', and map it to the corresponding Guest field in your InterAction folder. If this field doesn't exist as a folder specific or global additional field, you will need to create it.
Then you can map the answers to your Guest field values in CRM.
The answer will show in the Additional Information fields in IA for each respondent.
Alternatively, you can track your guests as entirely separate contacts/respondents. This will require the creation of a second survey.
2. Tracking Guests As Respondents/Contacts in InterAction.
Each survey response is associated to an individual unique contact. For this reason, if you would like to track the unique details of a guest RSVP in InterAction, you will need a separate survey to capture this unique response, in addition to the initial respondent.
To start, you can simply create a copy of your general registration to save some build time. It will copy over all content, settings, and themes. You can then rename the survey to indicate it is for Guests.
View your Guest survey online (via the View option from the same above dropdown), and copy down the URL for that survey.
Back in your original survey, we will need to add a 'Will you be bringing a guest' question and associated action to redirect respondents to the Guest page.
On the 'Will you be bringing a guest' question, for those who are not, you can simply direct them to the Thank You page using the 'If chosen, go to' answer option.
For those bringing a Guest, we will be creating an action.
At the top of your survey page 1, click the dropdown and Actions.
The Action type we will be using is 'Redirect to URL'.
Give your action a Title, then refer to the Guest survey URL you grabbed previously and paste it into the URL field. Under Conditions, choose that the Specific Conditions for this redirect are when the 'Will you be bringing a guest' question is answered Yes.
With this action in place, anyone bringing a guest will be redirected to the Guest survey. From the front end respondent perspective, this just appears to be a next page. In Send, these guest details will be captured as a unique respondent to sync to InterAction.
Go back to your new Guest survey copy for final setup and modifications.
In the Guest survey, you can modify the question fields to say 'Guest' before the contact fields. For this survey, you will also want to map to the same InterAction event folder. This will copy automatically when you copied the survey initially. All of the contact and RSVP question mappings you can leave as well, because this survey will capture the guest as a unique InterAction contact and add them to the folder.
In the RSVP question delete the No answer so only the Yes answer remains.
You can also delete the Thank You - No page, because only Yes respondents would have been taken to this form.
The last step is auto-selecting and hiding the RSVP question. This will capture an RSVP in InterAction, without the respondent needing to select it.
Open the RSVP question and note the question ID:
And in the question Settings, mark the question as Hidden.
At the top of your survey page 1, choose the dropdown and select Javascript (if this is not enabled, ask the Helpdesk to enable Javascript in Surveys for your account).
The following code can be pasted into the Javascript form to autoselect the RSVP question.
$('input[name="q_xxxxx_mc"]').prop("checked", true);
The XXXXX in this code is replaced by the question ID you noted previously.
The remaining Yes answer value will be auto-selected in your survey to capture the RSVP, but hidden so respondents don't need to check it off for the guest.
As the Guest survey is filled out, these responses will be captured as unique in Send, and subsequently sync to InterAction and be added to your Event folder as an RSVP.
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