- Web Tracking
Concep Send has the ability to track a recipient’s journey from your email campaign to your website and follow their activity. This data can now be passed through to InterAction so you can see what traffic your campaigns have driven to your website for each contact.
To enable this function, you will need to place a small tracking script on your website. To learn more about how to set this up, please contact your Account Manager and/or click here.
Once the script is set up and the Activity enabled in the Connection Wizard, the integration will record an Activity for each page a contact visits on your website if they came from an email campaign.
- Survey Tagging
When selecting a Survey Type whilst creating or editing a Survey, the selected Type will now trigger a specific, corresponding Activity. This means you can search in InterAction for responses based on the four specific types of Survey, allowing for faster and easier filtering and segmentation.
To enable this new functionality, you may need to create some new activities types in InterAction and link them in the Connection Wizard. For more information, please contact your Account Manager or consult our Surveys for InterAction and Connection Wizard Configuration guides.
Note: You will need to select a Survey Type in order for your Survey Activities to log in InterAction. Leaving the Survey Type empty will result in the responses not being pushed from Concep Send to InterAction.
- External ID used as Primary Key for Surveys
We have expanded the way our that integration searches InterAction for your contacts to log Survey responses. Now, if present, the integration will look for contacts using the contact ID from the External ID field. The integration will then validate that the email address in the response is the same as the contact it has found and update the contact if both pieces of data match.
Note: This functionality requires the Survey to be deployed from a link in a Campaign. Surveys deployed via the generic link or embedded in a website will search for existing contacts by email address.
Bug Fixes
- DCM ticket created when more than one company has the same name in InterAction
Our integration was created redundant DCM tickets when there was more than one company of the same name in the CRM.
- Multi-line Survey answers do not have line breaks preserved
If a Survey response contained an answer over multiple lines, the line breaks were not preserved when inserting the text into a multi-line field in InterAction (e.g. an address).
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