Note: Publications are not available in all accounts. To access this advanced feature, please contact your Account Development.
After a publication has been created, you can edit the title, publisher name and/or description.
You cannot edit the distribution method of a publication after it has been created. If you need to change the distribution method of a publication, it would be best to create a new publication and unshare the old.
To edit a publication:
- Click the Publications tab on the Home page.
- Click the Publications Created by You tab.
- Click the down arrow icon next to the publication title, and select Edit.
- Optionally modify the title, publisher name and/or description.
- Click the Update button.
To stop a publication and disable new issues from being created within your account:
- Click the Publications tab on the Home page.
- In the Publications Available tab, click the down arrow icon next to the publication you wish to disable, and select Disable.
- Click Yes, Disable to confirm.
To cancel a publication:
Warning! This will delete the publication as well as all current issues from users’ accounts and cannot be reversed.
- Click the Publications tab in the main navigation menu.
- Click the Publications Created By You tab.
- Click the name of the publication to select it.
- Click the Issues tab.
- Click the down arrow icon next to the name of the issue, and select Cancel.
- Enter "Yes" into the confirmation field, and click the Yes, Cancel and Delete button.
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