To download a pdf guide with pictures, please click here.
For useful definitions within reporting, please click here.
Reporting in Concep Send
The in-depth reporting section in Concep Send is a useful way to evaluate a campaign and how it was received by your audience. Using the features within reporting can help you improve your email campaigns and better target your audience, as well as strengthen relationships with new and existing clients. In the following pages, we highlight important metrics to watch when gauging the success of your marketing campaigns.
Reporting Tab
The reporting tab gives a general overview of the basic areas of reporting for all of your sent campaigns and Surveys – recipients, interaction and delivery. On this screen, you can immediately see the number of recipients the campaign has been sent to, the number of times the campaign has been viewed, clicks, View and click rates, bounces, opt outs and spam reports.
You can sort your campaigns by each of the different metrics, such as being able to see the campaign with the highest view rate.
You may want to create different folders to organize your campaigns more clearly. You can easily select the campaign and drag it to the folder of your choice.
You have the ability to copy or share your campaigns to another user account. You may share across your company or choose a specific user.
In the 'shared campaigns' sub-tab you can view shared campaigns from other accounts that have been shared with you. You can see metrics but don’t have access to advanced options such as copying or posting to social media.
Reporting Dashboard for a campaign
By clicking into a particular campaign, you will see six different tabs which can help you analyze your campaign more thoroughly. The summary tab gives an overview at a glance which includes graphs to help you interpret your data visually. You can click on graphs or list metrics to drill down into those statistics .
The recipients tab will show you a list of recipients that your campaign was sent to. In other tabs it breaks it down into those who viewed and those who didn't view it. The bounces sub-tab shows recipients that have bounced - here you can view the bounce type and you may click on the bounce reason to get more information on why it bounced. You may export any of this information to XLS or CSV.
The interaction tab is broken down into multiple sub-tabs which gives you insight into any type of interaction recipients may have with the campaign. For example you can view stats on links, clicks, replies, forwards, optouts, spam reports and actions. You may perform actions on recipients for each of these interaction types.
The delivery tab provides you with information on how your campaign was delivered; bounce types, group breakdown, domains; shows how many recipients from each company interacted with the campaign and the different email clients that received the campaign e.g. Outlook, Apple mail etc
The locations tab shows a breakdown of where your recipients are located based on their IP address.
The stream tab acts as live reporting. It records actions as they happen; it lists any information with regards to the campaign in real time. It lists all sends and every interaction a recipient has with the campaign i.e. clicks, unique views, opt outs.
Advanced Options
You may click on the advanced dropdown for your campaign. This is where you can send the campaign to additional groups or contacts.
Executive Summary
You may need to present your stats to others in your organisation. Pulling an executive summary report is a good way to do this. Tick the activities that you wish to include in your report. You may edit features such as the logo and headers so it makes more sense to your colleagues that might not be familiar with Concep Send and its terminology. To distribute the exec summary, you may save it as a pdf, image or use the URL to send to your organisation.
More Actions
Next to the title of your campaign you can click on the drop-down arrow. Here you can copy the campaign to your in-progress campaigns, copy it to another user in your organisation, view the campaign within another window, rename the internal title or share the campaign. You can click on the 'more' option which takes you through to further features suchas inbox preview and social media; once sent you can post your campaign to social media, generate a short URL, QR Code, or generic link of the campaign that you can then distribute.
You may also download your campaign as a pdf which can act as an alternative to print friendly version when building a campaign; all links in the pdf will be active and you can see reporting for those links. To do this you would download a pdf version prior to sending, upload that to your content library and link to the pdf.
Here you may also disable the campaign, manage replies settings and view send history.
Combined Reports
To view reporting for multiple sent campaigns you can select 'combined reports' in the advanced drop-down within the campaign report view. There is a limit of up to 150 campaigns you can select at once and you can use the search box to narrow down your selections. The report will combine all the statistical information into a manageable report, perfect for looking at how accounts have performed in a quarterly, monthly or yearly period.
When searching through sent campaigns, you can now find the exact time of sending by hovering over the Sent column of the campaign that you wish to view the date and time information. To do so, you will have to navigate to the 'Reports' tab and by hovering your cursor over the 'Sent' date, a tooltip will appear with a more accurate sent date and time of your campaign. |
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