- Email Marketing Author role assigned to your Microsoft Dynamics CRM user.
- At least one Send Account assigned to your Microsoft Dynamics CRM user.
1. The first step to create a new email campaign is to access the email campaign page in Dynamics. To do so, go to the Marketing section on the navigation bar, then scroll to the right to find the Concep section and click on the Email Campaign button.
2. Once you are in the email campaign page click on the dropdown menu at the top right and select the Send Account you wish to create the email campaign for (if your user has just one Send Account configured the dropdown will not be displayed).
3. Once you've selected the Send Account you are ready to create your email campaign. Click on "Create a Campaign" to start.
4. The page will reload displaying all your existing templates. Select one by clicking on "Use". You can also preview by clicking on the preview link below the template title.
5. After selecting the template a pop up will load asking for the campaign title. Add the title and click on create. This title will be your email campaign name in your Dynamics CRM.
6. The page will reload with your campaign to be edited. Add your email subject and edit your campaign by replacing the text or images. When you are done, just click on save. Your campaign is ready to be sent.
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