Concep Send Version 42 is now available, and we’re excited to present to you the latest features and improvements for Concep Send!
There are multiple new features and improvements to existing features that are included in this release that make everything from event workflows to contact management easier. Here’s a selection of some of our favourite items from the release.
Multiple Choice Limits
One of the most asked about feature requests that we’ve had is the ability to limit how many people can respond to a specific answer on a multiple choice question in a survey. This is a massive help for events that have breakout sessions where each session has a capacity limit. Previously, you’d have to keep an eye out for how many people had responded to an answer before hiding the answer from selection. Now, you can take the manual element out of this process, and set limits so once the number of responses gets reached, the answer can’t be selected, leaving you more time to focus on the other important parts of organising an event.
File Upload Question
Another often requested item is the ability to upload files to a survey. With Concep Send Version 42, there is the addition of a file upload question type, which can be used to upload spreadsheets, PDFs, images and many more file types. If you’re hosting a partner retreat and you need a copy of the attendees headshots for their passes, or if you have an internal HR campaign and need a copy of everyone’s CVs, the file upload question is here to help.
Shared Custom Fields
Custom fields are a great way of storing additional information to a contact beyond the standard fields against a contact. Now, as well as storing custom fields in specific user accounts, a custom field can be created and shared across all user accounts in a group or client. If you’d like this set up, get in touch with the Helpdesk Team!
Shared Sign Up Forms
While we’re on the topic of sharing, sign up forms can be shared across user accounts so that you can look up a contact that you have, and check or update their preferences in other user accounts. Sign Up Forms can be shared across an entire group, client, or to specific user accounts.
Admin Alerts
Client or Group Admin accounts can now get a message out to their users quickly and easily by injecting alerts into the homepage of Concep Send. These can be delivered across a group, client or to a specific user account. You may want to let them know of any updated deadlines, or that they should be using a new set of templates. Whatever you need to tell them, you can easily get your message out to the rest of your users.
Deleted Content Library
It can be a real pain accidentally deleting an image or file that you didn’t mean to, and then realising that it has affected a campaign or a survey that you’ve sent out. With Version 42, anything that you’ve deleted from the Content Library now sits in a Deleted Content folder in the Content Library for a period of 30 days before it’s deleted permanently.
Targeted Recipient Subsets for Copied Campaigns
While we all wish that every campaign received full engagement from every recipient, sometimes that’s just not the case. When you copy an already sent campaign, you can now select which contacts from the original recipient list will be included with the copy, based on how they interacted with the original campaign. So for example if you’re sending out an important internal memo, you can quickly select everyone who didn’t view the email the first time around.
Template Interface
There’s a few interface improvements to the Templates screen which now allows you to search for templates by letter, or filtering your template list by template feature, or even how frequently they are used.
Version 39 introduced the ability to set conditions for your Autoresponders so that campaigns would automatically be sent to recipients based on how they had interacted with the previous campaign. Version 42 has added in “Recipients who didn’t click” as an option, so you can easily target those people that you know definitely haven’t responded to an event invite.
Button Edits
One of our favourite additions for Version 39 was the ability to create buttons for email campaigns, which would link to various different call to actions, such as a survey to fill in, or an email address a recipient could contact. Version 42 now lets you edit a button that you’ve already created. Simply double click on the button and it will open up the window, letting you make any changes that you need.
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