• Added ability to restrict number of responses based on specific question answer
• Added cross admin functionality to allow client admins to access users in other clients
• All surveys can now use SSL paths
This means all survey URL’s will operate over HTTPS by default and use the prefix ‘'.To learn more about this change or how to revert back to your normal, HTTP URL please click here (link to HTTPS Survey Domains)
PLEASE NOTE: Automatic deletion of old in progress campaigns
Effective 25th Feb, all in progress campaigns over 12 months old will be automatically deleted. If you wish preserve any current in progress campaigns, please create a copy. Click here to learn more about this change.
• Added A/B test version to inbox preview options
• Standardised the text size on Forward to a Friend pop up
• Added ability for wildcards in email domain restriction settings.
• Referrer information is now included in exported survey responses. This denotes the source of the response i.e. the exact clicked URL in a campaign, or the URL of the embedded survey in a website.
• Added default logo for Executive Summary in campaign reporting
• New setting to set domain to use for surveys since they are now SSL
• Added merge field in confirmation email settings for groups subscribed/unsubscribed via Preference Center. This means there are new values in the drop down menu in the email confirmation setting within the Preference Center. This allows you to display the groups to a subscriber that they have added or removed themselves from in the automatic email.
• Added ability to edit user-built templates owned by other users
o This can be seen under Settings > Send Admin > Templates > Edit
• Added ability to set favicon on custom domains
o Please contact your account manager about arranging this
• Uploaded images in Content Library are now served over SSL
• Images uploaded in template builder are now stored under SSL
- Fixed social network merge tags to not render images if url not present
- Removed optimization of animated gifs on upload to Content Library
- Fixed link options in template builder
- Removed table height option due to Outlook not supporting it
- Fixed an issue that stopped access to content editor of Dynamic Content Conditions after reordering
- Fixed an issue that caused report activity graphs to sometimes show the wrong timezone
- Fixed an issue where Custom Reports couldn't save if En Dash character was in title
- Fixed an issue that caused a space to be added after text is formatted
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