Campaign meta fields are used to categorise or tag Campaigns that are being sent out of the account.
An additional step can be added to the sending workflow which allows (can also require) the user to select or input a tag for the Campaign. Partner Admin accounts can set it for users to select predetermined options or simply have a free text field.
To set these fields up you will need to use a Partner Admin account or reach out to Concep support who will be able to do this for you.
If you are using a Partner Admin account and are in the Admin view, edit a User's account settings and search for Campaign meta fields (You are also able to set this up at Group and Client level).
From there you can start to set up your fields, like so:
First you will name the type of fields you are setting up, in this example I will be naming the tags Comm Type. The aim of this is that Users will need to tag the type of communication (Comm) they are sending out. You also have a option to insert a Note in the second box which is helper text.
As mentioned previously you have the option to choose a free text field, which allows for a user to manually input a tag. As best practice, consistency is key so I suggest for the Admin, set up options through multiple choice just so when you are pulling data the fields are consistent.
As you can see in the image I have filled in my options and selected the Allow Multiple Answers, with this options active Users are able to choose more than one option and if this option was unticked (inactive) they would only be able to select one.
In this example I have the option Required ticked, this means that selecting/inputting a meta field is mandatory which means the User will not be able to send the Campaign without first selecting one of the options.
There is also the option to Remove value when Campaign is copied, as the name suggests while this is active any Campaign you copy that has meta fields attached will not be carried over.
How to add Campaign Meta Fields to Campaigns
You can add tags into an In Progress Campaign by going to the Preview and Send section of the campaign builder and clicking into the Preflight Report to add in any tags you may need.
To add retrospectively, navigate to Reports and click the drop down arrow and More next to the specific campaign.
Select your tags and click update.
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