- There is now a warning when updating custom profile fields in settings.
- Merge fields can now be added to the "Opt Out Processed" step of the Opt out workflow.
- PDF Brochures can now be generated from the Content Library by using uploaded PDF's
- Click down arrow icon for a PDF stored in Content Library > select "Brochure"
- Notification emails can now be sent to users when a campaign is copied into their account by another user.
- Multiple choice option can now be added to Campaign Meta Field setting.
- The option to "Remove value when campaign is copied" can be selected in settings.
- Updated Logic for scheduled campaigns when skipping (holidays, weekends) on repeat sends
- Campaign replies now work through a new PMTA processing model.
- Switch links with multiple email addresses to commas for Outlook compatability
Site Wide
- A "remember me" option has now been added to the login page, this checkbox can be ticked before logging in.
- Clicking this option will extend login timeout time to 2 weeks, this means that if you close the browser and return to the platform a short time later you will still be logged into your account.
- Downloading PDF's now work through SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).
- Additional PDF formats can now be selected when linking a Campaign PDF download on a campaign
- Moved SMS reply processing to site.
- Notification emails can now be sent to users when a survey is copied into their account by another user.
- Payment options can now be added into a survey's workflow.
- Survey payments are SCA Payment Processing Compliant.
- Added a recapture to survey viewing when it has a password on it
Bug Fixes
- Fixed iCal links in preview and approval.
- Remove tracking links in pasted/uploaded content.
- Fixed visible iframe in Firefox after correcting pre-flight test.
- Fixed domain and embed issues in sign up forms.
- Fixed issue with button link styles in theme builder for surveys.
REST: Allow Username/Password auth on hello world and get campaigns list
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