This is often due to certain parts of content in your Campaign pushing the entire content wide and stretching your Template.
For example, if you have inserted an image that forces a portion of the Campaign to be wider than a predefined border or layout, the Template will stretch and the design will not line up properly. To correct this problem, reduce the size of the picture so that it fits within the borders of the template.
The same thing can happen if you have inserted or modified a table that is wider than a certain area. Check to ensure that the amount of content entered into a table does not stretch it beyond the borders of the template. Also check to be sure the table width and cell widths are set appropriately (by right-clicking on the table and selecting Table Properties and/or Cell Properties).
Another reason the content may stretch would be because of a long string of characters. For instance, if you add a hyperlink that is wider than the content area is designed to be, this can also cause a Template to stretch. So instead of typing a long link such as, type only Click here for more information; highlight the text, and use the link icon in the toolbar to link the text to a URL.
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