Disclaimer: Some of these options may or may not be available to you depending on your user level. Please contact your administrator or the Helpdesk team for more information.
Session Timeout: Idle time before system will automatically logout
Items to Display Per Page: Number of items to show per page for things like contacts, reports etc
Date Format: The format used when importing/editing contacts
Show Updates: Shows updates link and new article count on home page
Twitter: Who you are connected to Twitter as
Facebook: Who you are connected to Facebook as
LinkedIn: Who you are connected to LinkedIn as
Plain Text Copy: Enables you to set the copy for a plain text email
Email Preheader: Enables you to edit the text that displays at the top of email campaigns
Email Footer: Enables you to edit the text that displays at the bottom of email campaigns
Email Test Note: Enables you to edit the text note that appears when a test campaign comes through
Show myTemplates: Enables you to show or unshow the 'My Templates' tab
myTemplates Name: Enables you to edit the name of your 'My Templates' tab
Template Builder: Enables you to turn template builder on or off
Send from domain default value: The default text used when sending from the domain
Update groups upon sending by default: Enables you to automatically select the 'Update groups upon sending' option when scheduling
Exclude contacts removed from groups: Enables you to automatically select the 'Exclude contacts removed from groups' option when scheduling
Upcoming campaigns reminder emails: Enables you to set a daily reminder email containing details for campaigns scheduled in the next 24 hours
Old in progress campaign deletion remind emails: Enables you to set a monthly reminder email containing details for old in progress campaigns scheduled to be deleted the following month
Default reply emails address for tests: Enables you to set a default reply email adress for test campaigns
BCC: Allows you to include a Blind Carbon Copy in your email campaign
Scheduled Skip Holiday: Enables you to set a date for your scheduled campaigns to skip
Managed: Enables your replies to be included in reporting and optionally forwarded
Managed replies forwarded to profile email: Enables you to forward managed replies to profile email address by default (Only applies to new campaigns not copied ones)
Managed replies default forward to address: Enables you to default forward to an email address for managed replies
Managed replies CC address: Enables you to set a default email for the replies to your campaigns e.g (noreply@company.com)
Direct: Enables you to set your replies to forward to an email address without being recorded or forwarded by the system
Direct replies default email address: Enables you to set the default email address for replies
Replies mode default: Enables the default mode for reply management (only needed if both managed and direct are on)
Forward to Friend
Forward to friend title: The title text that appears in the forward to friend window
Forward to friend default subject: The subject line that will display when your friend receives the email
Forward to friend default body: The body of text that shows in the forward a friend email
Compliance Copies
Number of recipients: Enables you to set a minimum amount of recipients until a campaign can be sent
Emails to send CC: Enables you to enter email addresses that will be cc'd
Subject Prefix: The text that comes before the subject of the CC'd email
Default Profile Address: Allows you to set a profile address that it will automatically be changed to when a profile address has not been specified
Address Label: Text that appears for 'Address' in templates that use it
Custom Profile Fields: Enables you to create custom profile fields for sender profiles
Link Titles: Enables you to activate link titles in reports rather than the url
Link Tagging: Enables link tagging for Google Analytics or any other web tracking app
Activity Reports: Enables you to turn activity reports on or off
Activity Report Settings: Allows you to specify settings for activity reports to be emailed
Look and feel:
Show Reporting Folders: Enables you to show the folder list shown on the first view in Reporting
Show Content Library Folders: Enables you to show the folder list on the first view in Content Library
Delegate to: Enables you to give certain approvals to another user
Campaign Approval: Enables you to turn your campaign approvals on or off
Workflow: Enables you to configure your workflow settings i.e how many recipients and which users can approve your campaigns
Submitted Email Subject: Enables you to edit the subject line that appears when a campaign approval request has been submitted
Submitted Email Body: Enables you to edit the body of text that appears when a campaign approval request has been submitted
Approved Email Subject: Enables you to edit the subject line of an approved campaign email
Approved Email Body: Enables you to edit the body of text in the approved campaign email
Declined Email Subject: Enables you to edit the subject line of a declined campaign email
Declined Email Body: Enables you to edit the body of text in the declined campaign email
Fallback Values: Enables you to set a fallback value that will auto fill when a field for a contact hasn't been added
Confirmed Display Text: Enables you to edit the text that shows when a contact is confirmed or not
Confirmation Page Heading: Copy for the confirmation page heading to display following confirmation from an email request
Confirmation Processed: Enables you to display the confirmation from an email request
Confirm Email Address Link Processed: Enables you to edit the text that appears in the confirmation window or URL after an email address has been confirmed
SMS Country Code: Enables you to edit the SMS country code
Preference center
Opt outs
Sender Opt out: Enables you to activate Opt-Outs at User level
Client Opt out: Enables you to activate Opt-Outs at Client level
Group Opt out: Enables you to activate Opt-Outs at Group level
Email address verification: Enables you to make it a requirement for recipients to verify their email address before opting out
Email confirmation: Allows you to turn on sending to recipients after opting out that includes a link to opt back in again
Opt in Heading: Allows you to edit the Opt-In heading
Opt in instructions: Allows you to edit the Opt-In instructions
Opt in button: Allows you to edit the text in the Opt-In button
Opt in processed: Allows you to edit the text that appears when a contact has been processed
Page Title: Allows you to edit the title of the Preference Center page
Page Header: Allows you to edit the header of the Preference Center page
Page Footer: Allows you to edit the footer of the Preference Center page
Page Heading: Allows you to edit the heading of the Preference Center page
Manage Preferences Heading: Allows you to edit the heading of the Manage Preferences page
Manage Preferences Instructions: Allows you to edit the instruction text in the Manage Preferences page
Manage Preferences Button: Allows you to edit the text in the Manage Preferences button
Opt out Heading: Allows you to edit the heading in the Opt-Out window
Opt out Instructions: Allows you to edit the instructions in the Opt-Out window
Opt out processed: Allows you to edit the text that displays when an Opt-Out is successful
Opt out undone: Allows you to edit the text that appears when the recipient cancels their Opt-Out via opt back in link or confirmation email
Opt out undone error: Allows you to edit the error text that appears when a recipient tries to opt back in via a link or confirmation email
Opted out already: Allows you to edit the text that appears if a recipient has already opted out, tries to opt out
Opt out Button: Allows you to edit the text within the Opt-Out button
Opt out Error: Allows you to edit the text within the error message that appears when the recipient doesn't select an Opt-Out option
Opt out Reason Heading: Allows you to edit the heading of the reason why recipients are opting out
Opt out Reason Instructions: Allows you to edit the instruction text box that appears in the Opt-Out window
Opt out Reason Button: Allows you edit the text within the Opt-Out reason button
Opt out Reason Options: Allows you to edit the reasons why the recipient is opting out
Opt out Reason Processed: Allows you to edit the text that displays after the recipient has chosen a reason
Sign Up Button: Allows you to edit the text within the Sign Up button
New sign up submitted heading: Allows you to edit the heading after a new sign up has been submitted
New sign up submitted text: Allows you to edit the text that displays after a new sign up has been submitted
Update Button: Allows you to edit the text within the Update button
Update submitted heading: Allows you to edit the heading after an update has been submitted
Update submitted text: Allows you to edit the text that displays after an update has been submitted
Logo: Allows you to set the logo picture that displays in the preference center
Contact Management/Sign Up Forms
Contact Editing: Enables you to allow contacts to edit their own contact fields
Group Editing: Enables you to allow contacts to select which group(s) they belong to
Language Map: Allows you to enable language options to translate the Sign Up Form
Share Sign Up Forms: Enables you to allow the sharing of sign up forms between users
Sign Up Terms and Conditions: Enables you to make the acceptance of your t&c's mandatory before the sign up form can be submitted
Sign Up Automatic Group: Enables you to make groups that new contacts will automaticallybe added to when signing up via the sign up form
Welcome Email: Enables you to set a campaign that will automatically send to any new contacts who sign up via the sign up form
Surveys: Allows you to enable or disable surveys
Survey Templates: Allows you to enable or disable users to create survey templates
Survey JavaScript: Allows you enable users to insert JavaScript code to be run when someone views a page
Fallback Tracking ID: Enables you to set a default tracking ID for surveys to be tracked in Google Analytics
General themes: Allows you to enable users to select themes from the 'general' tab
Theme builder: Allows you to enable users to use custom themes using the theme builder
Theme CSS: Allows you to enable users to enter custom themes via CSS
Templated Themes: Allows you to enable users to select templated themes
Templated Themes Tab: Allows you to edit the name of the templated themes tab
Create Theme Templates: Allows you to enable users to create theme templates from their custom css
Allow results and responses to be displayed in surveys
Results: Enables you to allow multiple choice results to be displayed in surveys as graphs
Responses: Enables you to allow actual responses to be displayed in surveys
Confirm Email Address
Confirmation email: Creates a mail merge that triggers a confirmation email after a page with a confirm email address question type has been submitted
Confirmation Page: Creates a mail merge that displays after a page with a confirm email address question type has been submitted
Enable Color Entry: Allows you to enable colors outside of the pallet to be entered
Enable default color pallet: Allows you to enable the default color pallet
Custom colors: Enables you to add custom colors for the editor
Default fonts: Allows you to enable a default font
Custom fonts: Allows you to enter custom fonts for the ditor
Default links to open in new window: Allows you to enable links to open in a new window by default
Default Drag and Drop Folder: Allows you to set a default folder to store images and files uploaded via drag and drog
Default Overlay Folder: Allows you to set a default folder to store images created by overlays
Remove unnecessary HTML: Allows you to remove excess html tags from the content produced by the editor
Password Min Length: Enables you to set the passwords minimum length
Password Require Digits: Enables you to make digits mandatory in passwords
Password Require Special Characters: enables you to make special characters mandatory in passwords
Password Require Lower and Uppercase: enables you to make lower and uppercase letters mandatory in passwords
Number of days before password change is required: Enables you set a number of days since the user last changed their password and prompts them to create a new one
Number of failed logins before captcha is required: Enables you to set a number of times a user can fail to log in before captcha is required
Number of failed logins before account is locked: Enables you to set a limit of failed logins before the account is locked
Dictionary Language: Enables you to change the language for the dictionary
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